Category: Craigslist Dream Cars

Beat on the B.A.T.

This 1991 Honda Beat is not quite ready for legal stateside registration, though the time is very soon to come. While Japan has produced many diminutive kei cars over the

1973 Lamborghini Espada

The dream of the 70s is alive in British Colombia

H/T to Tim Andersen Okay, so perhaps that doesn’t quite have the ring to it that Portlandia’s “Dream of the ’90s” did a few years ago, but this thing is quite

CTR Yellowbird front

The Ruf… the Ruf… the Ruf Needs a Buyer

Here’s something you don’t see every day on Craigslist, a 1989 Ruf CTR Yellowbird. Currently listed in the Los Angeles area, this example is claimed to have traveled only 32,654 miles.